
For the majority of my life I have been fascinated with creating things. Always drawing and painting as a child the natural progression for me was to become an artist.

I have been exhibiting my creations professionally in Australia since my early 20s and internationally shortly thereafter. My primary focus are my works on canvas however I also paint large murals around the country and build huge snow sculptures in the Australian ski fields.

My passion for creating knows no bounds when it comes to mediums. Not only do I love using paints and even snow, I also build things from any medium that suits my objective - for example I’ve built carbon fibre racing sailboats and countless fiberglass surfboards. I have a solid addiction to surfing, skiing, snowboarding and sailing which explains the use of these unusual materials.

I have commissioned this online gallery so you can peruse some of my latest creations. I will update the images occasionally so you can continue to see my artistic journey.

If you see any works which may interest you please contact us with the title and size of the piece and we will respond with its availability and where it is being exhibited.

I currently exhibit with - Wentworth Galleries Sydney NSW

- Nissarana Gallery Noosa Qld

- Gallery Alchemy Milton NSW

- Aarwun Gallery Canberra ACT

- Thom Gallery Byron Bay

Contact us

Fill out some info and we will be in touch soon

Put in the title of the painting you wish to enquire about